I appreciate that Abaqus2Matlab will be helpful for my research.
I wanna link ABAQUS and MATLAB optimization toolbox to obtain the mechanical parameters of the material, such as Young's modulus, yield stress, hardening parameters.
Is fminsearch OK? I saw above cohesive zone modeling? Maybe neural network?
My optimization parameters is not in a specific objective function, even, objective function is not specific.
Objective function: (experiment load-displacement curve)-(simulation load-displacement curve).
Your help is very much appreciated.
Dear Han,
Check if the file initialabaqusinput_A2M.fil exists in the directory in which Abaqus2Matlab is run (i.e. the working directory of Matlab). It is possible that it is created in another folder which Matlab cannot "see".
Best regards,
Dear George
Thanks for your suggestions.
But, some mistakes showed up using Abaqus2Matlab when extracting RF and U data.
Do you know why?
Best regards and wishes,
The objective function of your problem will be something analogous to the constraint function of the truss optimization example (TrussConfun.m). In your objective function you will do the following:
1) Create the Abaqus input file from the design variables
2) Run the Abaqus simulation
3) Extract the results using suitable Abaqus2Matlab functions
4) Based on the results extracted in step (3) above, draw the simulation curve and calculate the difference between it and the experimental curve. This will be the output of the objective function.
If there are no additional constraints in your problem, then you possibly won't need any constraint function (like TrussConfun.m for example). Use the last only as a template to construct the objective function.
Hi, George
Thank you very much for relying my doubt so prompt.
I know that these design variables are obtained finally when the objective function [( experiment load-displacement curve)-(simulation load-displacement curve ) ]attains minimum.
And I saw Truss-example , in that example, design variables, geometric parameters, are in the objective function. My question is mechanical parameters is not in my objective function. In other words, they are implicit.
How to construct the objective function in this case?
Could you provide some tips with me.
I appreciate it.
Best regards,
The key idea is to minimize the difference between the experimental curve and the simulation curve. You have to program an objective function in Matlab which will give as output a measure of the difference between these two curves, and which is to be minimized. The optimization parameters (or, formally, design variables) will be the Young's modulus, yield stress, hardening parameters, etc. You should carefully study the truss optimization example which is contained in the Abaqus2Matlab documentation in order to solve your problem.
Most details about how the optimization procedure will be set up can be found in the following:
Thank you very much for your interest in the Abaqus2Matlab app. You are kindly requested to cite the related journal paper if you finally use this app for your research.
Best regards,