I am attempting to use your toolbox to extract data. I input an .inp file, but I am running into errors generating .fil files. I tried following instructions of another post using Basic_Template.m and same problem occurs. I even attempted to type in FILE FORMAT, ASCII into the .inp file and I am still running into issues. Any suggestions?
The warning "Odb file only contains user-defined data" means that the odb file does not contain any results to show in the viewport. This can happen due to the following reasons:
(1) The Abaqus simulation does not run at all, or does not complete successfully.
(2) The Abaqus simulation runs successfully, but in the input file(s) there are no options for printing any results in the odb file.
I suppose that the first one of the above two happens, since for some reason the fil file is not generated.
Could you send me the input files in a pm in order to give them a check? My email is gpapazafeiropoulos@yahoo.gr .
Thank you.
Hi George,
The files I am running I have already ran the simulations via Abaqus CAE and have generated .odb. I want to find a faster way of extracting specific nodal data, such as the Stress (S) from Set-Surface. When I load my .inp to the Matlab GUI, I request for Stress (S) from the Set-Surface and Set-1, but errors generated are saying .fil files cannot be generated. Below is the error messages:
Warning: Odb file only contains user-defined data.
> In exploreFieldOdb (line 153)
In Script_Angle11Comp4_A2M (line 59)
Warning: Odb file only contains user-defined data.
> In readElementFieldOdb (line 293)
In Script_Angle11Comp4_A2M (line 69)
Warning: Odb file only contains user-defined data.
> In readNodeFieldOdb (line 292)
In Script_Angle11Comp4_A2M (line 79)
Warning: Odb file only contains user-defined data.
> In exploreHistoryOdb (line 154)
In Script_Angle11Comp4_A2M (line 82)
Error using readFil (line 75)
The file Angle11Comp4_A2M.fil does not exist
Error in Script_Angle11Comp4_A2M (line 83)
RF =readFil([ Inp_file '.fil' ], 104 );%Obtain the Nodal Reaction Force(RF) ;
I hope this detail helps.
Check if the Abaqus analysis is completed successfully by checking the *.dat, *.msg and *.sta files. You should be more specific regarding the errors that you are running into and the related details of your model, so that it will be possible to give you some hints.