I'm a new user of Abaqus2Matlab and I'm having problems at extracting history output variables such as CAREA, CFN and CMN. The following warning is displayed:
> In readHistoryOdb (line 251)
Warning: In step translation release 3, history region NodeSet . Z000001, there is no history output with identifier CAREA.
There are actually several warning messages like this one, where the changes are on the number after CS.:
> In readHistoryOdb (line 251)
Warning: In step translation release 3, history region Node p_150 - humerus cartilage CS.19070, there is no history output with
identifier CAREA.
The script I'm using is:
stepName='translation release 3';
% indOut=false; %(no dat file)
indOut= 'True'; %(create dat file)
S = 'C:\Users\Usuario\Desktop\A2M_GUI_Output';
I've opened the .odb file on Abaqus and I could read all the history outputs there. Could someone help me with this?
I sure want this new version!! Can please tell me your e-mail?
Thank you very much for the help and for the development of this program, it is amazing!
The newer version of Abaqus2Matlab has an option to select only specific frame for which to extract results from an odb file. You can contact me through email if you want to use this version so that I share it with you.
The warning is for the information of the user only.
Thanks anyway for your interest.
I'll be testing the program on the following days to try to determine what is really happening, but it kinda solves my problem for now.
Is it possible to get the outputs from the last frame only? If possible, it would solve my problems completely!
Something that I forgot to say is that when I create the .inp file using Abaqus2Matlab, the following warning is printed:
Warning: No options related to results file (*.fil)
> In Abaqus2Matlab_GUI_v01>read_input (line 1889)
In Abaqus2Matlab_GUI_v01>Load_input_button_Callback (line 122)
In gui_mainfcn (line 95)
In Abaqus2Matlab_GUI_v01 (line 42)
In matlab.graphics.internal.figfile.FigFile/read>@(hObject,eventdata)Abaqus2Matlab_GUI_v01('Load_input_button_Callback',hObject,eventdata,guidata(hObject))
Yes, maybe this is the problem. However, checking the odb file would give us some more clues about what is the reason for this behavior. Let me know if this workaround solved your problem and you can proceed this way.
I checked the points you suggested:
1) The output identifier of interest in displayed when I run exploreHistoryOdb.
2) The abaqus.rpy is there.
3) They have the same working directory.
4) I have write permission.
5) The abaqus.rpy is created.
I was testing some stuff and I defined CAREA as the only history output. When I set outputVar='CAREA', the warning message pops out and there are no outputs (odbOut and odbDat). However, if I set outputVar='None', the odbOut now shows the results for CAREA and odbDat ir not empty anymore. From what I gather from this is that the script is not recognizing the history output identifiers when I specify them.
Some possible reasons for this error are as follows:
1) Unsuccessful execution of the Python script that reads the odb file. You can find if this happens by checking the Matlab command window. When you execute the function exploreHistoryOdb, the variable identifiers of the history output contained in the odb file as well as their categories are printed in the Matlab Command window. Please check if the variable identifiers are printed in the Matlab Command window. If not, then it is likely that the odb file is not successfully read by the Python script.
2) For some reason there are not any *.rpy files in the Abaqus2Matlab working directory.
3) Check if Abaqus and Matlab have the same working directory (this is actually the Abaqus2Matlab working directory)
4) Check if you have write permissions in the Abaqus2Matlab working directory.
5) Check if an rpy file is created in the Abaqus2Matlab working directory when the function readHistoryOdb is executed in Matlab.
Have you specified the output identifier CAREA in your Abaqus input file properly? You have to specify something like the following:
The value of the out variable is [1; 0; 4; 5; 8; 11; 5]
There are no values for odbOut and odbDat. The output of rpyOut is the same of out.
There are no errors, just the warnings and the above outputs.
What is the value of the out variable?
Is your code giving errors or only just warnings?
What is the output of odbOut, odbDat, rpyOut ?