Hello - I am trying to write to a .fil nodal displacements, rotations and nominal coordinates for a node set "SET" as per the below:
Then read into matlab viaAbaqus2Matlab. The displacements/rotations are in fact just for SET, but the coordinates are written for all nodes in the model. This is too much data. What am I doing wrong here?
Thank you - I appreciate the guidance a lot - Best, Frank
I attach three Abaqus input files which illustrate the concept that I have described above.
Let's assume that you have to split an Abaqus/Explicit analysis as simulated by running the input file JobFull.inp (duration 0.02 sec) into two consecutive Abaqus/Explicit analyses, with duration 0.01 sec each.
In the former case, you can run the total simulation by specifying the command in Abaqus:
abaqus job=JobFull
In the latter case, you can run the total simulation by running firstly the initial half-simulation and then the next half-simulation, i.e. by specifying the commands:
abaqus job=JobSplit1 for the first half-simulation
abaqus job=JobSplit2 oldjob=JobSplit1 for the secpnd half-simulation
Translating the fil files, extracting the results from the corresponding fin files, and merging the results from the two fin files in Matlab should be straightforward.
I hope that this helps.
Best regards.
one follow up question. Can you please post a simple example of creating multiple .fil files using *RESTART? I'm not quite at a proficient level in Abaqus yet.
George - Thank you a lot. This solves many issues at once. I'll give it a try. Best, Frank
The method that you use to get the displacement data seems ok. And indeed it seems that you have run into memoery issues. Therefore, I suggest that you split the Abaqus analysis history into more than one explicit steps, each of which will be assigned in a single Abaqus input file. In this way, you will have N Abaqus input files. Each one of them will contain a single explicit step with duration equal to D/N (where D is the duration of the initial explicit analysis). All N input files except for the initial one will contain the *RESTART option. In this way, you will run all N Abaqus input files in a sequence, generating therefore N fil files, and after all the N Abaqus analyses are finished you can extract the results from each one of the N fin files (generated after translating the corresponding N binary fil files with the abaqus ascfil command). For the last operation you can implement a for loop. This will reduce the memory required for the whole operation. The larger you select N, the larger the reduction in memory will be.
Let me know if the above implementation resolves the issue.
Apologies for the delayed reply.
George - Thank you again. I am now running into memory issues. I am trying to output 1000 time response points of ~20,000 nodes and I see an error "The size of dimension 2 of 'Rec' is specified as 5914796000 which is larger than the code generation limit of 2147483647". I am using the below method to generate the .fil. Do you see any issues? Thank you -
Please make sure that you use the record keys 101 for U and 107 for COORD. This should give you the desired output only for the specified node set.
If the problem persists, please let me know.