I've just started to use your toolbox.
It gives me this error and I don't know why...
Output argument "out" (and maybe others) not assigned during call to "exploreFieldOdb".
If using this toolbox for research or industrial purposes, please cite:
Advances in Engineering Software. Vol 105. March 2017. Pages 9-16. (2017)
Pore pressure (POR) can be obtained both as an element and as a node variable. The first case corresponds to record key 18 whereas the second case corresponds to record key 108.
I can obtain the pore pressure as element variable but not as node variable... it gives error
You have to specify the appropriate output variable identifiers in the Abaqus input file in order to obtain the pore pressure.
Now it's working!
I have changed "abaqus" with "abq6145" or MATLAB cannot run it.
Now I can extract the nodal coordinates, the fluid velocity components but not the pore pressure!
It gives me an error!
Does your input file contain the necessary options and parameters so that the fil file is generated after Abaqus analysis?
Does the file filtraorizzontale_A2M.fil exist in your working directory?
Yes it succesfully completed
Is the Abaqus analysis successfully completed? Please check the dat or msg files for possible errors. The absense of the fil file is an indication that something went wrong with the Abaqus analysis and therefore there are no results that can be postprocessed with Abaqus2Matlab.
Now I have this problem
The file filtraorizzontale_A2M.fil does not exist
Type at the Matlab Command Window:
"open exploreFieldOdb"
and then press enter. If Abaqus2Matlab is properly installed on your PC, then the function exploreFieldOdb.m will open for editing. You can insert the following command:
at line 90 of the function exploreFieldOdb.m and then save and close. After this modification your Matlab code should work without errors.
Please let me know if this solves your problem.
I have only exploreFieldOdb.py not .m
Please insert the following command:
at line 90 of the function exploreFieldOdb.m. This should solve the problem.
I don't have any .rpy file in the Abaqus2Matlab working directory... this may be the problem...
Dear Matteo,
There are two main reasons for this error:
1) Unsuccessful execution of the Python script that reads the odb file. You can find if this happens by checking the Matlab command window. When you execute the function exploreFieldOdb, the variable identifiers of the field output contained in the odb file as well as their categories are printed in the Matlab Command window. Please check if the variable identifiers are printed in the Matlab Command window. If not, then it is likely that the odb file is not successfully read by the Python script.
2) For some reason there are not any *.rpy files in the Abaqus2Matlab working directory.
Apart from the above possible reasons for this, please check the following points:
1) Check if Abaqus and Matlab have the same working directory (this is actually the Abaqus2Matlab working directory) 2) Check if you have write permissions in the Abaqus2Matlab working directory. 3) Check if the Abaqus analysis the results of which are contained in the odb file has been completed successfully. 4) Check if the odb file contains any field output results by opening it in Abaqus/Viewer or in the Visualization module of Abaqus/CAE. 5) Check if an rpy file is created in the Abaqus2Matlab working directory when the function exploreFieldOdb is executed in Matlab.
Please let me know if anything of the above solves your problem, and, if yes, how it was solved.
Best regards,