I'm receiving an error message when trying to read nodal displacements from any ODB when trying to export to workspace or when executing the generated code. Save to .mat works, as does any other field output variable other than U. Execution by script would make things a lot easier for me though. The error reads:
Error using array2table
The RowNames property must contain one name for each row in the table.
Error in giveformat2OdbFunction (line 228)
Error in model (line 13)
[bulkDataBlock_Nodestruct, fieldOutput_Nodestruct, Results_Nodestruct] = giveformat2OdbFunction('readNodeFieldOdb',fieldOutput,bulkDataBlocks,data);
When using export to workspace the same error occurs while restructuring results.
I'm using A2M 3.0, Matlab 2023b & Abaqus 2022HF6, the latter version I'm obliged to use. When looking into bulkDataBlocks that was created when the script exits with the error, I notice that the {1,1} cell contains a structure of 6 rows, all the other contain 5, missing row 3 featuring component labels. Is it possible that this causes the restructuring of the data to fail? Is there a way to migitate this?
Hi Max!
Could you press the button "Generate code" and post here the code that is generated?