Hello everyone,
I'm trying to extract the compliance (Sum of the Strain Energy of the all nodes), what can I do?
Do I need a .fil file?
It's a 2D linear static analysis ( a simple example).
If using this toolbox for research or industrial purposes, please cite:
Advances in Engineering Software. Vol 105. March 2017. Pages 9-16. (2017)
Hello Nicolo Lodini,
Sorry for the delayed reply.
You have to specify the options: *ENERGY FILE *FILE FORMAT, ASCII
in the step level of your Abaqus input file.
After the Abaqus analysis is completed, you can extract all the energies using the record key 1999, by using the command:
[outN1,outS1,incrOut1] = readFilEnergy(C,recID,step,incr);
where C is calculated using the command C = fil2Str(file); (where file is the name of your fil file), recID=1999, step is the number of the step of the Abaqus input file that you are running, incr is the increment in which you want to extract the strain energy.
I hope the above help you. Let me know if you ahve any other question.
Best regards!