Hi I'm sorry I mean how do my computer have 4 cores that are using abaqus analysis. I recently saw abaqus using 30% capacity of the computer. How from Abaqus2matlab gave commands to abaqus to implement 4 cores for fast analysis. Thank you
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If using this toolbox for research or industrial purposes, please cite:
Advances in Engineering Software. Vol 105. March 2017. Pages 9-16. (2017)
Abaqus2Matlab v.3.0
A new way to post-process FEA
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With Abaqus2Matlab you cannot yet set automatically the number of CPUs that will be used for an Abaqus analysis. However, you can specify at the Abaqus/Command prompt the option:
abaqus job=<myjob> cpus=4
where <myjob> is the name of the Abaqus job. In this way 4 cores will be used for the analysis.
Best regards,