Dear George,
i tried to switch to the new Abaqus2Matlab Version 3.0. While everything else seems to be working fine, i have encountered a problem with extracting Nodal Displacements from fil-Files:
When using an abaqus model with C3D8 Elements i get 37 entries for nodal displacements, with C3D20 elements I get 17 entries.
Matlab Script looks like this:
file1 = 'C:\temp\Abaqus2Matlabv3\Job-layers.fil';
Rec1 = fil2Str(file1);
recKey1 = 8; %Coordinate Output (Element) recKey2 = 11; %Stress Output (Element) recKey3 = 101; %Coordinate Output (Nodal) recKey4 = 107; %Displacements (Nodal)
step = 1; incr = 1; outReq = [];
[outNum8_1, outStr8_1, incrOut8_1] = readFilElement(Rec1, recKey1, step, incr, outReq);
[outNum11_1, outStr11_1, incrOut11_1] = readFilElement(Rec1, recKey2, step, incr, outReq);
[outNum101_1, outStr101_1, incrOut101_1] = readFilNode(Rec1, recKey3, step, incr, outReq);
[outNum107_1, outStr107_1, incrOut107_1] = readFilNode(Rec1, recKey4, step, incr, outReq);
All results seem to give the desired results for all Elements and all Nodes except for Rec101.
Using the Rec101 function from previous A2M versions with the same files works
outNum101_1 = Rec101(Rec1);
and gives the results for all nodes.
Any idea what could cause the problem?
Another thing that i haven't worked out yet is how to get the results I am used to for Rec1900.
Could you help me generate the same output (Matrix with Elementnr., Element Type, 1st element node, 2nd element node, ... ) with A2Mv3?
Thank you in advance and best regards,
Hello Christoph,
Could you share (a simplified version of) the Abaqus input file that you are running to get the various results, so that I can try to reproduce the error and fix it for you?
Apologies for the delayed response!
Best regards,