I tried running the tutorial on cleave_fracture and i am getting the following error. I am using Matlab - 2014a with windows - 10. Any suggestions please...
Undefined function 'readFil' for input arguments of type 'char'
If using this toolbox for research or industrial purposes, please cite:
Advances in Engineering Software. Vol 105. March 2017. Pages 9-16. (2017)
You are welcome. Unfortunately you cannot write a UMAT with Abaqus2Matlab at the moment. In a future version of the software, it will be possible to write and/or debug user subroutines.
Best regards!
Thank you so much. Now its working. I have one more doubt. I am writing a umat for crystal plasticity model. I need to find some parameters for stress strain curve. Can i do it using abaqus2matlab. Thanks in advance.
Have you installed Abaqus2Matlab as an application on your MATLAB software?
If so, then go to Tools->Install Library Permanently in the Abaqus2Matlab GUI window. If not, then open the file Abaqus2MatlabSetUp.m and run it (press F5).
You have to do the above before running any examples, to ensure that Abaqus2Matlab has been installed correctly.