Hello All,
I am new to both Abaqus and FE modelling.
I tried to run all the three examples provided by the Abaqus2Matlab team, but I get always an error message, as shown in the attached figure.
Any idea and possible solution?
Thank you and congrats for the amazing work.
Best regards,

Thank you a lot George.
Thank you also for sharing such a great toolbox!!
Best regards,
Hello Matteo,
Thank you for your interest and good comments about the Abaqus2Matlab app. I hope that this application will be useful for your research.
You can fix this error by opening the Fil2str.m function and in the following command:
C = textscan (fileID, '%s', 'CollectOutput', '1', 'delimiter', ...
replacing '1' with 1. This is purely a Matlab version compatibility issue. Which version of Matlab are you running?
You could have a look at the following for more details on this issue:
Best regards,