Hello, I am new starter of Abaqus and abaqus2matlab user. I am trying to do the CZM simulation with three point bending test. I started to learn how to calibrate fracture energy and max stress using Neuron network method. While I am trying to do simulation the CZM example, I found some questions about the code.
STEP 3: Simulate the LOAD-CMOD for each initial point
in this section, I understand you want to extract the reaction force (set1-RF2) and displacement(point1-U2) of the ODB file. How can I change this reaction force and displacement node set in the code ?
out = readFil([Exit_file_name '.fil'],[101,104]);
% Reaction force
Dear George,
Thank you for your kind answer and provide this powerful software for free. I will try your suggested way, and I will let you know If I have any comments and suggestions.
Thank you again,
The problem that you are trying to simulate sounds really interesting.
If I have understood correctly, you want to modify the above code so that it retrieves the results from the odb file instead of the fil file, right?
If so, then you have to specify something like the following:
[odbOut_RF,odbDat_RF,rpyOut] = readNodeFieldOdb([Exit_file_name '.odb'],...
[odbOut_U,odbDat_U,~] = readNodeFieldOdb([Exit_file_name '.odb'],...
and odbOut_RF and odbOut_U will be two column vectors of double type, containing results for the reaction forces and the displacements respectively. For the stepName, instanceName and nsetName parameters you have to refer to the help manual of the readNodeFieldOdb function (see the documentation for this).
Try the above and let me know if you need further recommendations.