We recibed this question some weeks ago, and we want share our answer with all Abaqus2Matlab users:
I am new to this field of Abaqus, but have been using Matlab for over 15 years ...
I am curious if there is a way to generate/pre-process Abaqus FEA mesh data with Matlab.
Some of my colleagues have recommended using python with Abaqus but after taking a week long class on Python ... I was left feeling very grateful that I have Matlab to do scientific and engineering analysis work.
Of course there are ways to provide mesh data to Abaqus FEA code through Matlab.
Matlab is able to modify text files, so It is easy to create a specific Matlab function to generate/modify a FEM study (mesh, boundary conditions...) by creating/editing an Abaqus input file (.inp). All the information regarding a finite element model as well as its analysis options can be passed to Abaqus in this way. The Abaqus input file (.inp) can be created either manually from scratch, or by pressing the "Write input" button at the Job manager window in the Job module of Abaqus/CAE. A complete list of options which can be specified inside this file can be found at the Abaqus Keywords Reference Guide of Abaqus Documentation.
You can generate the mesh data in Matlab, and then write them appropriately into a file with extension *.inp. After this you can run an Abaqus FEA using Matlab, by issuing from Matlab scripts appropriate commands to the operating system. Similar commands are used in Abaqus2Matlab verification analyses (you can see in the Verification folder of the Abaqus2Matlab toolbox to find all the verification scripts).
If you want to see some examples of the application of Abaqus2Matlab to create/edit an Abaqus input file, you can revise the examples of application (See Downloads > http://abaqus2matlab.com/):
-Truss optimization problems (see TrussInpFileConstr.m function). -Cohesive zone modeling (see Create_new_input.m function).
It is generally true that Python is an object-oriented programming language, with completely different rationale compared to Matlab, and Matlab users often have difficulty in operating on Abaqus models. Abaqus2Matlab tries to bridge this gap and offer a more user-friendly programming environment in Abaqus for Matlab users.
Abaqus2Matlab work team remains at your disposal for any further questions about how to read and modify .inp files, problems, comments or suggestions to improve Abaqus2Matlab.
Best regards,
George Papazafeiropoulos (Abaqus2Matlab Work Team)
Miguel Muñiz Calvente (Abaqus2Matlab Work Team)