Hello, I am new starter of Abaqus and abaqus2matlab user. I am trying to do the CZM simulation with three point bending test. I started to learn how to calibrate fracture energy and max stress using Neuron network method. While I am trying to do simulation the CZM example, I found some questions about the code.
STEP 3: Simulate the LOAD-CMOD for each initial point
in this section, I understand you want to extract the reaction force (set1-RF2) and displacement(point1-U2) of the ODB file. How can I change this reaction force and displacement node set in the code ?
out = readFil([Exit_file_name '.fil'],[101,104]);
% Reaction force
Dear George,
Thank you for your kind answer and provide this powerful software for free. I will try your suggested way, and I will let you know If I have any comments and suggestions.
Thank you again,