Hello everyone,
I am currently running simulations on a Linux cluster and aiming to utilize Abaqus2Matlab for extracting basic outputs.
Initially, I copied and pasted all the required MATLAB functions to run on Linux, such as readAnalysisData.m, ExploreFil_A2M, etc.
However, I encountered an issue, as shown in the attached screenshot, stating "Unable to resolve the name java.io.File." I attempted to search for a solution online, but I am uncertain about the appropriate resolution...
Any assistance in resolving this matter would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you very much,
Hi arifb,
Unfortunately Abaqus2Matlab v.3.0 has not been tested in Linux yet. It seems that some bugs cause the error in your analysis. However, until the Linux version of Abaqus2Matlab v.3.0 is published, you can always use the initial open source version of Abaqus2Matlab for your tasks. Find it here available for free: https://www.dropbox.com/s/hsxfle0kyr9h6t6/10.Abaqus2Matlab_Toolbox1.01.zip?dl=1